William Loren Smith, Aka Mr Pheer

William Loren Smith, aka Mr Pheer, will brag about becoming an Army Air traffic controller in the US Army. He even listed this job title on his LinkedIn page as William Loren Smith, aka Mr Pheer. 

The Lies

There are ZERO records from 1987-1997 and the time he served stating he was ever an AATC. You must qualify for the FAA control tower operator’s certificate to become an Army Air traffic controller. All FAA certified must have/had a publicly accessible record.

Check William Loren Smith’s name, birthdate, time served, and SSN. Will has never had a certificate—ever. They are just more lies. This does fall under the Stolen Valor category. Reported.

Besides, what are the odds of being FAA certified, then leaving the regular army (after seven years) to live with Mom, write hot checks, and become a newsgroup bestiality porn spammer instead? Even with his boisterous claim, William Loren Smith refuses to prove this publicly.

Will Smith aka Mr Pheer lies.

William Loren Smith also lies about having a pilot license. Same thing; no one with that name and birthdate has ever had one. Again, they are just more lies. To 100% confirm a legal FOIA request of all records and information about William Loren Smith with his birthdate and SSN for discovery is necessary.

William Loren Smith lied about being a pilot

Psychology of a Narcissist

These types of lies are typical when dealing with a narcissistic sociopath. When you “out” them, they will lie, deny, deflect, and when they can’t get away with it, minimize it as some great misunderstanding. The greater the lie plus being outed, the more they’ll play the victim regardless of provocation or any previous carnage created by them.

This is the thing about sociopaths. Their hypocrisy blinds them. Will has built this insulated world where he thinks it’s okay to stalk and pathologically lie. He honestly believes he is doing some remarkable service when all he’s doing is trying to salvage a tarnished ego.

Narcissistic sociopaths do not see the world like others do. In their distorted reality, they are entitled to whatever they want, regardless of what it takes to get it or who they hurt in the process. They will justify their inexcusable actions and show no remorse because they cannot reason. Now that he’s been outed, you’ll see nothing but a typical coward playing the victim while continuing his stalking antics.

Coming this Fall

Michelle Elaine Smith left this text on this website’s contact number.

A redesigned blog this Fall about William Loren Smith, aka Mr Pheer, and his 4th wife, Michelle Elaine Smith: the first story is about running a spam porn company from a Las Vegas suburb. Then allegedly laundered the proceeds via Herbalife, and later got caught by the IRS. Again.

This blog will continue to chronicle the lies, theft, manipulation, threats, covert threats, blackmail, cyberstalking, etc.

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