Mr Pheer, a spam scammer Part III

Will Smith Mr Pheer is learning the hard way.

William Loren Smith

This week, there is much to review about William Loren Smith, Aka Mr Pheer. I gave a great interview on what Will is doing regarding spamming Facebook. I explained in enough detail so a layperson could easily understand.

Even the reporter asked (rhetorically) what was wrong with him. She didn’t say it but implied there must be a profound psychological reason for this other than profit. I agreed with her. We had a brief off-the-record discussion about how he’s a malignant narcissist with apparent mother-acceptance issues—or lack thereof.

That said, there is an extremely high probability of a catfishing article about Will and his work during the holiday season. So, if you are reading this, I highly recommend you get distance from him because he’s NOT mentally strong enough to take a hit like this alone. He will grab/blame anyone when circling the drain.

Remember, this is the same guy who got nailed for willfully not filing his federal income tax and then started rolling on all his friends to get the 30% reward to ease his tax debt.

Finally, FFN has not followed up on our initial conversation, but we will keep trying.

More Psychology of a Narcissist

This week’s Psychology of a Narcissist will be far more complex. Malignant narcissism is the second worst of all the anti-social personality disorders. It is just below the number-one spot. Psychopath. Will is a lot of things, but he certainly is not a psychopath.

So, how does malignant narcissism differ from narcissism? The primary difference is narcissism involves symptoms of grandiosity and low empathy for others; a malignant narcissist also has this but tends to have more severe symptoms of other co-occurring personality disorders.

In short, malignant narcissists find enjoyment and empowerment from tormenting others with ZERO regard. Will cannot stop anonymously trolling and stalking people in forums or the net because it gives him a false reality of superiority. When in truth, he’s grossly insecure about himself. If you ever met him in person, you’d know exactly why that is.

What Scares a Malignant Narcissist?

Two things that scare a malignant narcissist. First is being “outed” and the website’s purpose; second is an absolute terror for a malignant narcissist. Consequences. Next week, we will show emails and forum posts that, for most, reveal his true insanity.

His usual directives are to lie, deny, deflect, block, and minimize. The insane part is he thinks these excuses are believable and will gaslight the absurd to insanity. What sets him apart from a psychopath is a psychopath doesn’t care.

He does care, as any criticism must be combated to the extreme, no matter how small. Don’t be fooled; malignant narcissists are all in until the very last second to their collapse. All narcissists collapse in the end, and it’s usually pitiful to watch.

A few people are asking, after all these years, why this website now? Again, if you’ve ever met the guy in person, I’ve always felt sorry for him in the past. Second, he built a website about me six months before this one and then has the gull saying “he’s” being stocked. Again, it is normal for malignant narcissists to do this.

As he got older, his narcissism worsened, and I and others finally grew tired of his lies and antics. There isn’t anything he can do to me that I’d care about. Others are not so fortunate, so he’ll continue to target/troll them for his confidence-building energy.

This and not understanding boundaries is what gives away a malignant narcissist. Next week, we’ll review what is mentioned in the emails and forum posts and how he will try to manipulate his “rent-a-friend” to fight his battles. Friends for narcissists like William Loren Smith are about as valuable as paper towels.

We try to post every week, and as always, if you have anything to add, Contact Us.

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